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Predators need two things to achieve their goal of sexually abusing children: access and an environment where they can get away with it.  Predators are grown ups and sometimes other children.  They interact with our kids and insert themselves into our communities.  To be successful, they must come across as “the type of person who wouldn’t do something like that…” PAXA is here to provide you with some Predator Profiles, to point out their tricks and schemes, so you can protect your child.

Predator Profile Videos

No. 1

Definition of a Predator


No. 2

Where Does Child Sex Abuse Occur?


No. 3

Case Study: The Hypothetical Kindergarten Class


No. 4

Case Study: Spotting A Predator


No. 5

How Is It Possible That Predators Don’t Get Caught?


No. 6

Red Flags To Monitor

Learn about the definition of predator, the types of predators and predator approaches.2018 P.A.X.A. Parent Empowerment Program

2018 P.A.X.A. Parent Empowerment Program

P.A.X.A. co-founder walk parents through a case study looking at the journey of a kindergarten class leading up to their high school graduation with sex abus...
Predators hide in plain sight. This case study goes into how to spot a predator and his/her tactics on the pursuit to sexually abuse a child.
P.A.X.A. wants to encourage people to stop making excuses for child molesters.

Predators are counting on your self doubt to overlook what P.A.X.A. considers "RED FLAGS." Clues and cues are there of predatory tactics of which parents should be aware.

Find Predators on the National Sex Offender Database